IE Packaging makes your packaging production future-proof.
You produce well-thought-through packaging solutions. We think through your production processes. Together with you, we develop trendsetting buildings which will shape the packaging industry of tomorrow today. That’s because our experienced team of industry engineers, architects and designers knows exactly what the specific requirements are for your industry. That means we can coordinate operations, logistics and construction planning as closely as possible to make your packaging production even more efficient in the long term.

Efficient packaging production and logistics processes in the digital age.
The experts at IE Packaging developed a flexibly extendible production concept for the new DS Smith Hanau production facility in Erlensee. This resulted in highly-efficient, automated, sustainable production processes for making offset-printed displays and packaging from corrugated board.

Innovative logistics in redesigned packaging.
Bourquin SA is a leader in the field of corrugated board production. IE Packaging was hired as a general planner to upgrade the existing industrial buildings and logistics processes. Thanks to the comprehensive planning skills of our experts, one of the most modern high-bay warehouses for corrugated board of its kind was implemented in no time at all.

Planning skills for a clean and efficient packaging industry.
Numerous consumer goods manufacturers rely on the innovative packaging and packaging materials from Ampac (formerly ELAG). To help the packaging specialist be able to strengthen its position as a market leader and to continue developing the economic efficiency of tubular bag production, IE Packaging developed a fully-automated lamination centre with an optimised hygiene zoning concept.
Planning and implementing flexibly adjustable logistics, operating and construction concepts.
As a process, operations and logistics planner, and as a general planner and general management contractor, IE Packaging pools the expertise of a wide variety of technical experts all in one place. The perfect foundation for industrial buildings tailored to the packaging industry.

- Selecting a location and developing the factory
- Developing a tailor-made master plan
- Optimising material flow, intralogistics and operating processes
- Making efficient production methods
- Process and operations planning in the packaging industry
- Special solutions for producing packaging solutions
- Individual logistics and building structure concepts
- Hygiene concepts and implementation, including clean room
- Planning the construction of industrial buildings in the packaging industry sector
- Design as an expression of corporate identity
- Architecture and 3D visualisation
- Digitalisation and automation
- Consultation, data workflow and interface management
Our industry specialists – your direct contact for IE Packaging.
Flexibly expandable industrial buildings, automated production processes and efficient logistics for the packaging industry: the experts at IE Packaging are very well acquainted with the challenges specific to the packaging industry and develop future-oriented solutions for the packaging production of tomorrow.
Ingo van Koll
IE Packaging Munich
Telephone number
+49 172 840 48 22

Ingo van Koll
IE Packaging Munich
Telephone number
+49 172 840 48 22