IE Engineering Group AG
Managing Directors: Percy Limacher
IE Engineering Group AG is registered at the Commercial Registry Office of Zurich
Company number CH-
Phone: +41 44 389 86 00
Wiesenstrasse 7
CH-8008 Zurich
IE Industrial Engineering München GmbH
Managing Directors: Marielena Einzinger, Tobias Rosenbaum, Matthias Jacubasch, Benedikt Sticht
IE Industrial Engineering München GmbH is registered at the Munich Local Court HRB No. 208 295
VAT ID No. DE 267 875 429
Phone: +49 89 82 99 39 0
Paul-Gerhardt-Allee 48
D-81245 Munich
Responsible for content according to Section 10 (3) of the German State Treaty on Media Services: Marielena Einzinger, Tobias Rosenbaum, Matthias Jacubasch, Benedikt Sticht