Your partner for integrated construction planning and sustainable industrial construction solutions.
Businesses that want to maintain their competitive edge over the long term need individually adaptable industrial buildings, future-proof production sites and state-of-the-art manufacturing processes. With the experts of IE Group, you have innovative trend-setters and active contributors by your side. With more than 50 years of experience, we accompany you as your reliable partner. We know the specialist requirements of your industry down to the very last detail. And we develop integrated industrial buildings for you which are optimally customised to the production processes of your company and which can be adapted to dynamic changes on the market in the future on a flexible basis.

“Ambitious industrial construction projects require a partner who not only acts on a solution-oriented basis, but who also achieves the best for you with their valuable inspiration.”
Percy Limacher,
Managing Director of IE Plast, Zurich
Our four key pillars for your success.

At home in your industry.
With our long-standing expertise in seven industries, we have an exact understanding of your specific production processes and know your individual requirements. We therefore plan and implement integrated operating, logistics and industrial construction solutions on a consistent basis, inside to outside.

Entrepreneurial thought and action.
Experience a new form of partnership on an equitable basis. This is because at IE Group, all of our employees are included in our company. This means that you benefit from the unique motivation and initiative of our interdisciplinary teams.

All of the experts, under one roof.
At IE Group, industrial engineers, architects, planners and logistics experts collaborate closely to achieve the best possible industrial construction solution. By combining every area of expertise, we implement efficient industrial buildings, in which the manufacturing processes, technical building facilities and architecture are coordinated on an optimum basis.

Certainty through guarantees.
We also offer you complete certainty in terms of compliance with costs, deadlines, quality and function with integrally planned industrial construction projects: from the draft design, to the choice of the production technology and the operational and logistics planning to the general planning and realisation of your construction project. And also in the form of a work contract.
How the experts at IE Group work for you.
We don’t just design sustainable concepts and industrial construction solutions for you, we are also by your side in every phase of project planning and the implementation. We draft the initial ideas, take responsibility for the operational and logistics planning, and manage the entire process as a general management contractor / design and build contractor – from the ground-breaking ceremony to the completion of your construction project. We consistently communicate with you on an equitable basis, always speak the same language and understand your sector-specific requirements. You therefore benefit from maximum planning assurance and binding guarantees as regards the costs, deadlines and functionality.

Future-proof solutions
Development of state-of-the-art industrial buildings and fully-automated operating processes

Individually customised
Configuration and implementation of flexibly adaptable production sites

Interdisciplinary teams
Consolidated planning expertise from experienced sector and technical experts

Intelligent project planning
Consistently planned industrial construction projects, inside to outside
Our team – individual expertise for shared success.
Good ideas require people and visions. Experts, who are behind each industrial construction project with dedication and enthusiasm. Professionals, who consistently contribute their industry-specific know-how to the planning and implementation of forward-looking industrial buildings. Specialists, who develop the best solutions at IE Group in interdisciplinary teams and ensure your long-term success.
Facts & figures about IE Group.
We convince customers from a wide variety of sectors with our interdisciplinary planning ability and our holistic expertise in the field of industrial construction. Our figures are also pretty impressive in other respects, however.
125 employees for your success.
Construction and operational planners, architects, industrial and mechanical engineers, and logistics and building technicians under one roof.

Professionals since 1966.
Extensive expertise. IE Group was founded in 1966.

ISO 9001 certified.
Our locations in Zurich and Lausanne are certified according to ISO 9001.

Quality achieves success.
Our current annual turnover:
CHF 100 m. p.a. (EUR 95 m.).

Industriebaukompetenz, die Geschichte schreibt.
Our locations.

IE Industrial Engineering
Zürich AG
Wiesenstrasse 7
8008 Zurich
T + 41 44 389 86 00
F + 41 44 389 86 01

IE Industrial Engineering
München GmbH
Paul-Gerhardt-Allee 48
81245 Munich
T + 49 89 82 99 39-0
F + 49 89 82 99 39-33